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Residential Treatment for Women

Residential treatment allows individuals to experience the full spectrum of physical, emotional, and spiritual health while residing within the facility. At New Directions, we are committed to providing exceptional addiction treatment services for each woman suffering from a chemical dependency.

We tailor each exclusive treatment plan to the specific needs of every unique woman and her family. With the needs of her most important priorities in mind, women discover their capacity to grow and learn with soberness. Emphasizing responsible recovery for long-term sobriety, our compassionate inhouse facility remains top-rated for women’s treatment

In addition to providing optimal rehabilitation care, we strive to make available many innovative holistic therapy options. While living within the facility, the spiritual, physical, social, and intellectual journey toward health and sobriety can begin. 

Based on each woman’s needs, we strive to facilitate a well-rounded experience within the program. We encourage the most courageous and beautiful side of each individual to rise to the occasion. The ultimate satisfaction comes from mutual encounters, as each woman once again rejoins their community. Doing so, will have meant becoming healthy and sober, feeling complete and with purpose, to live genuinely with their family.

What is Residential Treatment?

Residential treatment is an intensive drug and alcohol rehab program at a live-in facility. Inpatient rehab programs allow for a safe and comfortable space to reside throughout the duration of therapy. 

Designed for women of all ages, young adults to mature women, treatment is for illnesses related to substance abuse. During this full-time residential stay, individuals will have time and opportunity to address multiple areas of health requirements. Women work with professionals in divisions such as emotional, behavioral, physical, and mental health and addressing behaviors that fortify addiction.  

Aside from providing an addict with a sober environment to reside within, inpatient drug rehab accommodates other mental health concerns. Many women seeking treatment for their addiction are also silently suffering from other debilitating affairs that coincide with addiction. 

Butterfly wall on NDFW campus

Substance abuse therapy and trauma, mental health, cognitive and behavioral health are addressed within the program. Residential treatment also incorporates a multitude of holistic privileges designed to reinforce addiction treatment. 

Upon initial assessment, women can discuss these areas individuals needing attention, and partake in programs designed for achieving overall wellness. Using a combination of group and individual therapy, and working to integrate family healing, women work toward sobriety among peers. Inpatient drug rehab works on conquering current addictions and achieving lifelong benefits from personalized recovery. 

The Phases of Women's Residential Treatment

Throughout every woman’s stay at our inpatient drug rehab, one will proceed through multiple phases of substance abuse treatment. New Direction’s residential treatment center in California provides three successive levels of residential care. Utilizing each standard of time appropriately, allows an addict to swiftly yet effectively, move from one phase to the other. However, when applicable, adjustments may be made as needed. 

Inpatient drug rehab begins by adjusting to the Primary Phase after completing detox. After the appropriate amount of time, women residing within the facility can then progress toward the second stage. The time frame of this adjustment usually takes place within the first full 30 days.

The second step is known as the Transitional Phase. This shift tends to incorporate much of the same therapeutic practices from the Primary Phase at a more advanced level. This stage within inpatient drug rehab usually takes place over 45 days consecutively.

Finally, when ready, women partaking in residential treatment in California can begin their final step in the program. This is the Extended Care Phase. While it might take some longer than others to comfortably make this advancement, it is a necessary process to undergo. 

The young adult woman gestures as she talks to the unrecognizable female mature adult counselor.
Colorful butterfly is laying on a woman's hand

New Directions inpatient drug rehab typically spans over 90 days. However, this is simply an average length of time taken to complete residential treatment. Some women with particularly advance addictions, needing more extended time for care, will conclude at up to a year. However, in general, it will likely take under a year’s span of time. To participate in the program, the initial 30 days required commitment must be achievable and met accordingly. 

This three-phase program within our residential treatment center in California is available for women in any condition requiring addiction care. Inpatient drug rehab provides substance abuse services for mothers with children, pregnant women, and single and mature women. The facility is equipped to handle any health requirements that arise while moving through the treatment curriculum. 

Getting familiar with what to expect throughout your stay at our residential treatment center in California helps relieve apprehension. Each step of the program reinforces sobriety and helps women develop a health-conscious lifestyle. 

The Primary Phase: Beginning Residential Rehab

The primary phase of inpatient drug rehab takes place within the first thirty days following detox. This beginning stage is the most structured and monitored period of time as a resident, aside from initial detoxification. 

While residing within the residential treatment center in California, intensive therapy will begin. Rehab therapy is proven to be the most effective tool for women suffering from addiction. The program is designed to utilize individual therapy, along with family, group, and educational counseling. 

This can be the most time-consuming stage in the process, yet extremely important. This is because the primary phase is often when co-occurring disorders are diagnosed. A co-occurring disorder, also known as dual diagnosis, is a term used to describe having multiple medical conditions. 

At rehab, it refers to when a person suffers from a psychological illness and addiction simultaneously. The goal of inpatient drug rehab is to guide a woman to a life of optimal wellness. This means wellness in all areas of her life, making the diagnosis of co-occurring disorders crucial. 

What Should You Expect to Experience in Phase One?

During our Primary Phase program, each woman is personally assigned a Masters Level Primary Therapist or a Certified Addiction Counselor. With their designated specialist, they will create an individualized treatment plan. Every addiction is unique to each woman, requiring that rehab services follow suit. 

Also included in this initial stage will be several sober past-times to experiment with. When addiction takes over in a woman’s life, it tends to become very consuming. By introducing women to new rewarding skills and hobbies, it encourages finding fulfillment in activities that do not include substance abuse. 

Becoming involved in programs such as equine therapy with horses, art expression and gardening, helps with the processing of emotions throughout the journey. Additionally, opportunities such as psychodrama or experiential and spiritual therapies can uplift and heal the mind. Undoubtedly addiction has left wounds in many areas of a woman’s life. While it may be challenging to open up to these new opportunities at first, this is the time to begin. 

Shot of two young businesswomen having an interview together.

How Long Does This Initial Stage of Residential Treatment Last?

The Primary Phase program, on average, takes place over the length of a 30-day stay. Other phases of inpatient drug rehab may consist of a less strict time frame. However, the beginning of this journey is essential to encourage the dedication and determination of sobriety. 

This is an example of a typical program schedule.

The Transitional Phase: Making Progress

After completing phase one of inpatient drug rehab, women working towards recovery can now begin the Transitional Phase. The most appealing aspect of the second stage is the sober clarity and independence built-in. This step includes having the opportunity to resume certain daytime activities and begin to readjust. 

Our Transitional Phase provides addicts with more autonomy. 

It does so while still encouraging engagement in all of the services provided during the Primary Phase. Women can now begin to practice the tools of their recovery while slowly returning to their community. 

Returning to: school, work, or volunteer commitments, become a part of necessary practice. Though at this time in the Transitional Phase, only within the daytime. This promotes recovering women to focus their abilities by applying their program habits in daily life.

Our Mission

What does that mean for the rest of the available hours?

In the evening, women will be required to return to the safety of their recovery community here at New Directions. The combination of this transition allows for two very valuable applications to occur in synchrony: 

  • First, the freedom to apply sober skills throughout the day and maintain obligations. 
  • Second, the safety and ongoing support of a sober environment to retire to at night.  

In fact, the Transitional Phase splits up treatment and independence, working much like that of a partial day rehab program. Though they differ in terms of which hours of the day are spent away from the facility. The best program for each woman depends on their own personal needs, and options are discussed upon assessment. 

Will the split-day affect the quality of addiction care received?

Each woman staying with us at our residential treatment center in California is encouraged to develop healthy, meaningful relationships. This includes becoming comfortable with their sponsors, alumni, and other women in recovery. 

In addition, each woman is required to make an effort to work independently with her Therapist or Counselor. The goal is to develop an individual plan that encompasses her goals in life. Whether regarding education, employment, living arrangements, children and family or self-care and beyond; All of life after substance abuse requires dedication and balance. To make the transition as easy as possible, this progression is necessary. 

How long does the Transitional Phase take to complete?

This is the part of inpatient drug rehab that is most likely to vary. The length of time needed for each woman will be different. However, the average duration within the Transitional Phase is around 45 days.

The programs span will depend on the progress, expectations and achievements made to adjust to sobriety and cope with triggers. For some women, a month will be enough time. Others may take a few more weeks to gain enough comfort. The most important concern is that each woman is getting out of the program what it is designed for. 

group therapy for women

The Extended Care Phase: Practicing Recovery

The last and final stage of residential treatment in California for women, is the Extended Care Phase. This step includes bringing women closest to their families and integrating then further into the recovery process. 

It is considered the minimum level of residential care; due to the amount of independence each woman has earned. During this phase of treatment, each woman will continue to receive individual, family, and group counseling. Additionally, they can now further practice the tools of their recovery in the community. 

Woman sharing her experiences during a mental health group therapy meeting. Multiracial women participate in support group session sitting in a circle.

The Extended Care Phase is when preparations are made prior to discharge and plans to interact with triggers are concentrated. Having a solidified aftercare plan will be essential. Though minimal supervision is a benefit of progressing this far, attendance of regularly scheduled meetings will be required. All therapy and counseling will remain available, though the most intensive can be on an as-needed basis. 

Attending regular meetings and family and group therapy is an optimal way to emphasize recovery efforts. This may also be when women are encouraged to become peer contributors, assisting other women beginning their Primary Phase. 

Benefits of Residential Care Treatment

The benefits of inpatient drug rehab are almost impossible to quantify. Residential treatment is an all-inclusive superior option for anyone with a substance abuse disorder. The challenges faced by a woman during an active addiction can quickly become consuming. Women’s rehab care, that allows for around-the-clock focused services, consistently yields the highest recovery success rates. 

Additionally, taking part in our residential treatment center in California’s program for women includes the benefits of: 

  • Creating ties to a supportive sober community
  • Availability to participate in multiple types of addiction derived therapy options
  • Developing the responsibility and accountability over their own wellbeing and sobriety
  • A structured and specialized schedule and calendar
  • Residing in a safe and sober environment free of physical triggers
  • The opportunity to develop relationships with peers with similar life experiences

The benefits listed above are just some of the exceptional opportunities available within residential treatment. Above all else, the safety, health, well-being, and sobriety of women who suffer from addiction are prioritized within the program. Managing and coping with addiction can be optimized within this type of intensive rehab treatment. It is available for all women suffering from any type of substance abuse. 

Scenic sunset over the Pacific ocean. A setting sun behind the long pier, Irvine, Orange County, California.

How to Take Part in a Residential Treatment Program Design for Women

No matter where you have found yourself in life, struggling with addiction, a women’s inpatient drug treatment program can help. New Directions will work with you to get you back on your feet. Find recovery away from the dangerous lifestyle of substance abuse. Providing a level of comfort in a safe environment allows for a better focus on long-lasting recovery. 

Our residential treatment center in California is designed by women and run by women. Most importantly, this exceptional facility exists for all women. Reach out today for more information and be welcomed into an atmosphere where your sobriety and health are a priority. We have accommodations available for you, and it can all begin today. 

Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Heather Black-Coyne, LMFT, CADC II, Chief Clinical Officer

Heather Black-Coyne, LMFT, CADC II, Chief Clinical Officer

Heather most recently served as the Clinical Director of a gender-specific treatment center in Huntington Beach. She is trained in both Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which serve the needs of our clients, many of whom have experienced both complex trauma and substance use disorder.

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