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About New Directions for Women Foundation

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New Directions for Women Foundation raises money with the deep commitment to its mission of transforming the lives of all women, women with children, and pregnant women affected by addiction.

Financial support is vital to ensure that women in need can access the individualized and holistic treatment program offered at New Directions. By securing funds through donations, grants, and community support, the Foundation can offer scholarships, update and expand our treatment facilities, and strive to be the premier women’s treatment program in the nation.

Treatment Scholarships

One of the primary reasons for the Foundation’s existence is to provide scholarships to women, pregnant women, and women with children. We extend full scholarships to women who have no resources of their own, and we provide partial scholarships to those who need to extend their length of stay, but cannot do so due to insurance limitations. Additionally, we consistently cover the costs of children staying with their mothers residentially when the mother cannot afford it.


friends in recovery New Directions for Women

Our Programs

The Foundation also funds programs not covered by insurance, such as our Whole Woman, Healthy Woman, and Family Programs.

The Whole Woman Program offers trauma therapy, art therapy, reiki, yoga, and walks through the Back Bay. It also provides psychiatric visits and our Alumnae program, along with culturally diverse groups, such as Wellbriety. This program gives women options to discover a fun and meaningful sober life, and exposes them to activities that nourish and balance the mind, body and spirit.

The Healthy Woman Program provides women and children with three balanced meals a day, freshly prepared by our chef, Aurora. As a gender-specific, dual-diagnosis facility, our intake reports show at least a third of our clients exhibit symptoms and behaviors of disordered eating. Offering whole foods and healthy habits is critical to our mission and the women we serve. 

The Family Program includes all family therapies and groups, the family psychoeducational series, parenting classes, and childcare for the children living on campus with their mothers while they heal. When someone suffers from addiction, it doesn’t only affect them. It also affects everyone around them, specifically immediate family members such as a spouse or children. The role of the entire family during addiction rehab is important. All the family members can be a support system for the client, but to do so, they need to understand that addiction is a disease. Family therapy can help family members understand addiction and its effects on the family. It can also help the family system learn new communication and problem-solving skills. Family therapy is usually done in addition to individual therapy for the client.

These programs, in addition to the scholarships we provide, cost New Directions for Women Foundation $1M annually. 

Donate Today

Financial support is the lifeblood of our mission, enabling us to empower women on their journey to recovery, break the cycle of addiction, and create healthier families and more vibrant communities. In raising money, New Directions for Women Foundation actively contributes to the hope, healing, and renewed lives of countless women and children, providing them with the chance to regain control of their futures and lead fulfilling, substance-free lives.

Please donate and help us transform the lives of women, women with children, and pregnant women affected by addiction.

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