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Circle of Life Breakfast 2019 | Carole Pickup’s Invocation

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We start every Circle of Life fundraising breakfast with an invocation prayer. It represents a request for the spiritual blessing of our higher power as we engage in the important work of raising funds for substance use disorder treatment for women and families.

Ann: To start the morning, I’d like to introduce a fellow board member – I’m looking for her – Carole Pickup to do our invocation.

She and her family have been involved at New Directions for Women for decades, and she says the three most important things to her are in this order: God, family and New Directions for Women.

Carole: Good morning, everyone. Happy to see you all here. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing all these wonderful loyal supporters to our Circle of Life breakfast for New Directions for Women. Also thank you for bringing out new supporters who have never been with us before so this is their first time. Help us to see what you want us to see, hear what you want us to hear and do what you want us to do. Be with us as we go on our way today. Keep us safe. Protect us and now I ask you that you will bless this food to the nourishment of our minds and our bodies in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Moderator: It’s funny because as Carole was walking away, she said, “Oh, I almost dropped the mic” and that would’ve been perfect, you know?

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