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Groundbreaking and Blessing Ceremony

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From the New Directions for Women Butterfly Bulletin Fall 2014

The campus expansion plan forged ahead this summer with a special celebration on August 8th that combined a Groundbreaking Ceremony with our annual Campus Blessing. Several years in the making, the $1.6 million Founder’s House renovation is now officially underway, a significant piece to a master plan that will transform the aging campus into a state-of-the-art space that can accommodate the growing needs of both patients and staff. We also celebrated the opening of 10,000 sq. ft. of beautiful new outpatient space, also part of the master plan.

“We are so grateful to all who have supported New Directions for Women to make this dream a reality,” said CEO Becky Flood. “We’ll be able to serve more women and children than ever before in an atmosphere meticulously designed to promote healing.”

Many of New Directions’ key supporters participated in the celebration, a network of people who have served as the life blood of the organization since the days of our founding in 1977.

“This core group of people have stayed a part of this organization through every ebb and flow, through every success and every level of concern. They remain a part of the fabric of who we are, and we are ever grateful for their enduring support.”

With a much bigger crowd than usual, we performed our annual spiritual housecleaning that day, blessing the entire campus, both inside and out. Those who got well over the years were blessed on their journeys, along with those women and children who are yet to come. The staff’s hard work throughout the year was blessed. The event also serves as a remembrance of our founders Pamela Wilder, Marion Schoen, and Muriel Zink.

Among those on hand to present blessings were Nellie Smith, a Japanese energy healer who has worked with our women every Saturday for a decade, along with a blessing from Reverend Adelia Sandoval. A Native American healer, Adelia’s tribe is originally from the grounds where our campus currently stands, adding to the power of the blessing she brings each year. To end the ceremonies was a prayer written for New Directions for Women by Reverend Charles Dorsey from Christ Our Redeemer Church.

“We were extraordinarily moved by Reverend Dorsey’s prayer,” said Becky. “From board members to volunteers, to staff–there was not a dry eye anywhere when he read that prayer. They were really tears of joy, gratitude and thanksgiving for the manifestation of a dream. A dream that is closer than ever to what our chief Founder, Pamela Wilder had envisioned for New Directions, ‘to create a space where people could get well with dignity, respect and grace.’”

“No matter what difficulties we’ve have through the years, we’ve been able to stay true to who we were meant to be. Women are still able to heal here and generations are forever changed.”

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women of all ages, pregnant women in any trimester, and women with children. Founded in 1977, our courageous and visionary founders asked for the help of Newport Beach Junior League members to fulfill their vision of a tranquil home-like facility that would treat women with dignity and respect. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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