In celebration of helping women and children for almost 4 decades, New Directions for Women held a groundbreaking ceremony to commemorate the initial construction of updates to our residential treatment campus. The ceremony took place at our newly acquired 6,000 square foot office space and at our treatment facility in Costa Mesa, Calif.

The groundbreaking of our campus was headed by board members, spiritual leaders, and our CEO Rebecca Flood. We are excited to start our campus renovations.
“New Directions for Women will be able to make our vision a reality so that hundreds if not thousands of lives over the next generation can be healed and families transformed from the devastations of the disease of addiction.”
said Flood. The renovations to our campus will provide an environment of care that is conducive to healing, while adding privacy and beautification of our neighborhood.
The observance incorporated our annual blessing ceremony where different faiths came together to bless the work, workers, and women who are in treatment at our facility. This year’s ceremony was particularly unique with a blessing conducted by Nellie Smith of the World Divine Light Organization. Smith blessed our new office space by performing an energy ceremony that works in conjunction with the Japanese Su-God. Reverend Adelia Sandoval, from Song of the Earth Ministries, blessed our campus in song. Sandoval performed a Native American religious ritual and burned a white sage smudge to allow our campus to receive her blessing. The blessing ceremony closed with Reverend Charles Dorsey of Christ our Redeemer church who prayed over our campus and women.
We share with you a transcription of the prayer said by Reverend Charles Dorsey:
Dear Loving and Faithful Creator,
What a wonderful day you have given us. What a wonderful journey you have taken us on. What a wonderful moment you have brought us to. We have marched around with the purpose of blessing each transformative space. Our senses have been tantalized by sweet fragrances mixed with a stillness of breath and humility of heart. Our spirits have been perked by the words and fellowship of our faithful supporters and our souls have been excited by the birth of new possibilities for generations that will come to this sacred healing place, and our eyes have witnessed the start of a dream once void of resource. Yet today we celebrate the first steps toward what can truly be called a new direction.
So today, as we feel the warmth of our hands embrace, thank you, O God, for faithfully allowing us to experience the gentle breeze of each new blossoming morning that carried us to this point. For in each morning, we discovered the opportunity to transform lives. We discovered the potential to plant a seed. We discovered the opportunity to walk hand in hand. And we discovered the next chance to practice love and patience one day at a time.
Thank you for sending angels our way to bless us with their many gifts, skills, and passions, even as we take a brief moment to think about the legacy they left behind when they came to rest with you. These angels gave us wings, strengthen our bodies, challenge our emotions, and help to become.
Thank you for past, current and future staff/volunteers who have and will continue to maintain a standard for the families we serve. May their hand and heart print continue to be the trademark and lasting impression on every life you privilege us to encounter.
Thank you for every contribution that has been the proof of your heart for the world of recovery and sobriety. Each contribution has served to birth decades of service, which led to the birth of hundreds of healthy babies, the growing up of several hundreds of healthy children, and the recovery of thousands of women. They stand in this room, in spirit and in person, as a testament of the power of your blessing.
So loving Lord and creator, we close this blessing asking your loving spirit to continue to rest in each room, office, and place of healing. May our hearts blossom like the most beautiful rose as we watch and participate in transforming lives. Continue to bless and empower every woman who dares to work the steps, confront addiction, and reach sobriety. Let generations flock back to this place to contribute in time, talent, and treasure. As the earth cannot escape the sun, may we never escape our vision to transform lives or our mission: the saving the lives of women of all ages, women with children and pregnant women affected by alcoholism, other addictions and related issues.
Water the enriched soil that you planted us in that we all might grow into the beautiful healed loving family you created us to be. We thank you.
New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Founded in 1977, our courageous and visionary founders asked for the help of Newport Beach Junior League members to fulfill their vision of a tranquil home-like facility that would treat women with dignity and respect. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
To view more pictures of our ceremony please click on the image gallery below.
To see ALL the pictures from our Ceremony – check out our Facebook album of the event.